History, Politics, Holocaust
History, Politics, Holocaust
A Place to Call My Jewish Home: the Liberal Jewish Synagogue Pam Fox
A Square of Sky by Janina David
Antisemitism by Frederic Raphael
Charlotte by David Foenkinos
Denial: The Unspeakable Truth by Keith Kahn-Harris
Do I Belong? Reflections from Europe ed by Antony Lerman
Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities by Yishai Chasidah
From the Ends of the Earth - the Jews in the Twentieth Century by Martin Gilbert
Hitler's American Model by James Q. Whitman
Hitler, The Germans, and the Final Solution by Ian Kershaw
Israel and The European Left by Colin Shindler
Jewish Chaplaincy in the British Armed Forces
Kingdom of Olives and Ash: Writers Confront the Occupation by Michael Chabon....
Open Judaism - a guide for Believers, Atheists and Agnostics - R. Barry Schwarz
Shoah - Artscroll Series
Sons and Soldiers by Bruce Henderson
Surviving the Holocaust with the Partisans by Jack Kagan and Dov Cohen
Tehran Children: A Holocaust Refugee Odyssey by Mikhal Dekel
The Greatest Comeback: The Story of Bela Guttman by D Bolchover
The Holocaust by Laurence Rees