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Testament – at the creation of the State of Israel

Aaron Levin, introduction by Shimon Peres

Travel, Israel Biography, Autobiography, Anglo-Jewry

Publisher Artisan NY           1998

ISBN 978 1 885183 94 1

Hardback 192 pp

£25.00 discounted to £20


Superb black and white photographs to celebrate Israel’s 50th birthday.  The essays that accompany each wonderful portrait tell of the extraordinary events that transformed everyday lives, from escapes through sewers in Jerusalem to self starvation in order to be smuggled from prison in a suitcase.  Yitzchak Shamir, Shimon Peres and a host of other people involved in the creation and formation of the State give their stories, photographed in the locations where they stood while making history.  A special book, a classic.

Testament - The Creation of the State of Israel by Aaron Levin

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