Tens of Tips for Charity Tin Collecting
At last, Leonie shares her wonderful experience as a collector for Harrow Mencap, filling a niche which no other book has done before. With humour, wisdom and good research, this book is a must for anyone who has ever rattled a tin or bucket in a good cause. Or has worried about the future of these collections in the cashless society that we are becoming. The insights into how she was persuaded to volunteer, how to deal with other volunteers, training, basic commonsense tips for how to maximise your opportunities....Leonie's wealth of knowledge from her lifetime of successfully handling both volunteers and professionals, it is all distilled into a brief, handy guide.
Sensibly priced at £6.95, with £1 going directly to our local Harrow Mencap. Please order from this website and the book will be delivered to your door.
